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Hey, thanks for coming over to this page!
I believe its time for silence to take centre stage
in all our lives, personal and professional.
silence is life changing.
but Since no one can sell silence :-)
there are other ways you can support me to support you.
You are welcome to contribute to keep The Department of Silence website, channels and projects growing through 'Buy me a Coffee' or Patreon.
All supporters big or small will get access to a free electronic copy of my book (The Brutifully Honest Memoirs of a Spiritual Hypergamist)
when its finished!
(First five chapters available, by clicking on the box below)
If you love SILENCE and want to help grow the movement - get in touch with your suggestions or offers.
You can also employ my services as a writer, designer, speaker, facilitator, voice artist or coach.
I'm also open to barter - lets talk.
Click on any of the options below to find out more.